Computers rule the day Tuesday all over the street. Another ideal day to realize what you are really competing against, if you are willing to see it. Dow up 422 to 32,581 because that's the path of least resistance. Bonds off a point and 8 tics, 138.21. Wheat rallied thru the day 80 cents from the lows and closed 30 higher, 1277 1/2. Buy low, sell high. Not as easy as it sounds, but every time you trade, you need to ask yourself, where does this trade fall in the buy low, sell high mantra. Beans catch up a bit with another 21 1/2 cent gain, 1678, mostly with out products help. Corn gives back 8 3/4 to 800 3/4. Rice has a buck 15 range as the computer sees the buyer isn't willing to defend. I would guess some of the trailing stops guys got churned and burned. 1716 1/2 close, off 66 cents. Not a game for the faint of heart, Tuesday, or any other day this year.
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