Dow continued its run up Tuesday, 30,576, plus 346 but down from over 600 points higher early in the day. Bonds looked lower but recovered to 123.18, plus 6. It will be interesting to see Wednesday if we are basing or topping. Wheat a dog again. 849 1/2, off 11 1/2 and getting to the lower part of the computer range without something positive happening in Russia. Beans off 13 1/4 to 1372 and river freight as well as no new China sales flashes allow us to leak lower as harvest continues. Corn down only 2 1/2 and held the best of the grains, 681. Rice down another 13 as the short funds continue to get shorter, witnessed by open interest increases. Commitments in rice on Friday could very well show an offset to commercial like we haven't seen in a long time, and I suspect that there will bee another 550 commercial longs in November created by options expiration. Sets up for a volatile next week.
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